The game has many good elements include such as shooting in both land based way to do it or more like space ship shooting style as well plus like beatup style of fighting with weapons added in it .
The idea you can fly and attack doing that plus block is very smart it gives bit of like strategic style ot the gameplay and the unit you play as looks very high quality robot wise to me.
The boss fight in this game are probably the most fun battle in the gameplay overall with you having to normally keep firing until it gets destroyed giving it a strong shooting preference in the gameplay style here.
The game is also good for platformer style but having flying ability makes it work bit different since if you miss the area you can in theory fly to get to it instead which is nice idea to add into any game.
It is game I would highly recommend anyone play if they not done it when it was first released like I did before for the quality or fun you will probably get from this style of play to me.
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