A fun platformer game based on the animation TV show of the past the graphics looks pretty good here and I found kind of unique the boy has like Adult Asian man face instead of kid one to me.
The house graphic look very realistic for a 16 bit system probably best seen on Snes game so far such as the wooden floor looks same as many houses around the world and the seated chair looks like real one as well which most games during the 1990s could never make look this good to me.
You can crawl to find other areas which I Found smart and also pretty cool you can hand glide which can work perfectly display or playing it not many games could get it right over the speed I suspect creating ugly graphics often but not here . https://www.game24hours.com/2023/03/unleash-fun-with-crayon-shin-chan.html
The bosses are pretty fun such as the first one looks like human version of an insect where you just drop on him until he's dead which is pretty fun you don't have to be able to speak Japanese to play the game
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