A remake of Pokemon Red with modern graphics added in a lot of people felt the graphics on the Gameboy colour were often lacking since it had many limitations for what it could handle Data wise as such this game was created as good remake in regards to how good this one looks compared to the first Pokemon games.
The storyline is more less exact same but some other monsters are included in such as like monkey you get early or Pikachu who is a powerful monster to get early on in my thoughts plus Rattata is a very powerful start pokemon who can do decent attacks or has pretty good defense only problem with him he likes good special attack overall compared to like Abba when he involves later on.
Professional Oak is the main guy you meet when the game starts and he gives you first pokemon which range from Fire,Water,leaf all these can be better or worse against some such as Fire is strong against leaf but weak against Water, and leaf is strong against Water.
Shows Ash next to Oak and also Pokemon Index at the starting part of the game .
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