The game has a great storyline I suspect the reason not many people heard of it in the West was it was just released in Japanese with only Japanese people speaking that language from non Jap person to play the game would not work well or be possible.
If you can find it in English or the language you prefer then it's great turn based RPG game with a very impressive storyline say it's good as like secret of mana or Final fantasy game from this time period or possibly better depending on you prefer.
You start with two boys one is one with bow who's your physical and defence character for fighting next you have Chinese boy who is your magic character who is bad at the physical side of the game next you have the Japanese girl who is kind of like in the middle for being strong or weak and can learn magic or skills as well whenever you go up levels you will learn new skills or magic to make winning the battle more easy.
The display you see from this look a perfect like 1990s style for making it look very fantasy themed and in sort part kind of gives sort of like more dark feel to it like possibly horror or cyberpunk feel to a little bit of it which is kind of cool and also a like a lot how the baddies or monsters you go up against look such as here to me the monsters look incredible display wise really good worker from the people behind this game to me.
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