Graphic look great here in most Snes game which is impressive to see here.
Gameplay is semi good the things I hate is the controls if it was more easy to fly and attack the game would be way better only being able to shot one weapon attack limits the game a lot from being more fun and just more pleasant to play as a whole to me such as I found the first boss kind ,of hard since there controls low end end here with better controls could win with one hit easy but the first time I got killed by it which for some gamers may make them not play again which is bad when you play it more a lot more fun overall. You can go from permanent flying which is cool buy going from flying which you can stop to me is bit annoying to get it to work right as a whole they make you not be able to fly anywhere to give it platformer element for me overall that is kind of like double edge sword making it go from fun to kind of annoying a lot of the time as you play it more since most of the things is to hard for you to be able to jump over so kind of like platformer with backwards logic which is not the best idea if you could fly anywhere it would be a lot better gameplay to me as a whole.
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