Platformer by far worst part of you get no speed here really and lack of control plus it's so awkward jumping here but shooting or standard jumping fine.
The game would be way better without long jumps here that would make the game so much fun overall and the combat here is so random the idea if you hit off the head it can still attack that's kind of stupid when you hit the enemy head then dead like all other games be a good idea.
The graphic look great here to me as a whole but the jumping just makes it sound so bad but the combat is semi good and I think they made the character need to many hit such as two hits or one for head to kill be much better than like 5 hits to take down one enemy to me is way to many to make the game fun unless you had a lot less enemy there is to many here to me but the idea of getting faster shoot attack is useful over so many hits you need to take down one enemy and you lose way to much health even on wimp it's still to me pretty hard like normal or even hard in some games t ome . You also get green like Muturn but I found man better here to play as.
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